Resilient Roots
The Resilient Roots of Palestine
Palestine's vibrant culture is intricately intertwined with its land and its trees. Olive trees have sustained Palestinians for thousands of years and serve as an enduring symbol of Palestinian prosperity, resilience, and their historical ties to the land.
In Burin, a village in Nablus, Palestine, illegal settlements have continued to appropriate land and choke the village's water supply since 1982. The ongoing crisis and settler aggression recently saw an entire olive harvest decimated and multiple trees damaged.
Unheard Cries is working with on-ground partners to replant 2000 trees.
Together with on-ground farmers, we are working to plant trees in at-risk land to renew and restore its health. The harvest from the trees will provide additional income to farmers, feed the community, and stand as a symbol of endurance, pride, and a claim to ownership and presence.
Your donation means the world to them and us
Today, you can replant hope for our brothers and sisters in Burin.