The Mohsen Family
In the heart of El Fayoum, Egypt, lives a simple family of four whose lives have been turned upside down ever since a devastating workplace accident. Mohsen, a husband and father to two young children, was once a dedicated garbage truck driver whose strong work ethic provided a humble yet sustainable living for his family. Since a disastrous accident at his workplace left him paralyzed, he has been unable to return to work. With Egypt’s rising costs of inflation and no source of income, Mohsen’s family is struggling. In addition to Mohsen needing $1900 to fund surgery for his legs, the family also urgently needs extensive housing repairs.
Mohsen’s family of four currently lives in a one-bedroom brick house with no roof. While a simple roof is hardly considered a luxury, for the many poor families living in Egypt, it is one of their most ardent prayers. Without a stable roof to shield tenants from the harsh effects of the elements, these families are left vulnerable to a myriad of illnesses and easily avoidable disasters. This is a reality imminently felt by Mohsen’s family who experience the bitterness of a frigid Egyptian December more concretely than those who have the luxury of living in a stable house with a roof over their heads. Conversely, with Egypt’s scorching hot summers and the lack of stable air conditioning, Mohsen’s family is left vulnerable to heat strokes and precipitous dehydration, along with their near-fatal consequences.
Unheard Cries is working with on-ground regional representatives to help provide medical aid for Mohsen as well as build a roof for his house. The money will also be used towards Mohsen’s medications which he cannot afford without financial assistance. With your gracious donations, we will be able to help provide stable housing for our brother in Christ and his family. We will also be able to fund his medications and leg surgery which will remove a significant burden. We will help enable him to finally move forward after his devastating accident which left him paralyzed, jobless, and struggling now more than ever.